Will eToims® Work For Me?

The eToims® Technique provides reduction of muscle spasm and re-educates muscles to work properly, especially the deeper muscle areas which are unreachable by standard stretching and exercise activities. As a result of the eToims technique, there can be pain relief, increased range of motion and improvement in quality of life provided satisfactory twitching of deep muscle spasm the improve circulation and perfusion can be achieved in muscles close to the bones and joints. The affected muscles can thus be re-educated to properly work again.

Acute pain/discomfort should ideally be treated within 24 hours of injury, or before the pain escalates and becomes difficult to treat. For those chronic pain patients with a reduced quality of life, daily or weekly eToims® Technique treatments can offer a chance for functional recovery. The degree of functional recovery is inversely proportional to the degree of permanent nerve damage present.