Sports injuries can often sideline athletes for weeks, months, or hamper a career permanently. The eToims®Technique is state of the art and one of the most important medical discoveries in recent times for use in athletic training since the stimulation can reach the trigger points in muscles that lie on top of bones and joints for these muscles to have twitch exercises. The twitch contractions and immediate relaxation allow the muscles to be stretched focally at the site of injury and improves local macro-circulation and micro-circulation. It reduces muscle spasms, prevent or retard disuse atrophy, increases local blood circulation, muscle re-education and maintain/increase range of motion.

This leads to health improvement and performance enhancement from pain and discomfort relief which all adds to having a leading edge in competition. Improvements in muscular performance allows for increased muscle strength and endurance, as well as improved flexibility, balance, and overall stamina.

Repetitive motion injuries in activities such as swimming, golf, and baseball, or stress/impact injuries in activities such as football, basketball, running, skiing, and tennis can leave an enormous toll on the human body. Performance can become easily impaired, limiting an athlete’s effectiveness to compete.

Sports injuries are extremely costly and can predispose an individual to additional, more serious injuries, as injured muscles in one region of the body, cause other muscle groups to overcompensate, overwork, and wear down.

Sports-related repetitive stress injury to muscles are of concern to professional, amateur, and recreational athletes, as well as those responsible for or depending upon their performance, such as athletic trainers, managers/coaches, team members and team owners.

The eToims® Technique can directly assist athletes by targeting not only the specific prime mover muscle groups that have been injured, but since muscles connect to the same myofascial sheath all connecting muscles and other secondary movers of joints need to be treated for faster ultimate recovery to the body. The eToims® Technique provides results superior to traditional methods of physical therapy that only mechanically or electrically stimulate superficial surface muscles, far from the deep muscle layers where injuries lie.

Provided that correct trigger points which elicit large force twitches are obtained, muscle relaxation and deep muscle pain relief with a single session of eToims® Technique are superior to the effects from equivalent duration multiple sessions using manual stretch, and or other electrical stimulation or tissue mobilization therapies.

For one-time nerve-related athletic muscle injuries resulting in acute pain, one or several eToims® Technique sessions can often rehabilitate an athlete to return to competition immediately or without much downtime.

For chronic sports injuries, regular eToims® Technique sessions can provide the most superior form of physical therapy.

Common sports injuries that the eToims® Technique can treat include (but are not limited to):

  • Rotator cuff strain
  • Rotator cuff strain
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Wrist and hand pain
  • Neck pain
  • Mid-back pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Hamstring strain
  • Hip, groin, knee muscle strains
  • Overuse and over training muscle pain/discomfort
  • Post exercise soreness
  • Tendonitis
  • Muscle cramps and spasm