eToims® for Anti-Aging, Beauty, & Aesthetics

The eToims® Technique is an ideal method for upgrading and improving physical beauty & aesthetics. One must feel great and live without the aches & pains that cause discomfort in daily life from pulling effects of short, tight, swollen and taut muscles and tendons related to aging.

eToims®together with eToims® pharmaceutical grade Magnesium Sulfate products consisting of facial moisturizer, body cream, sprays, gels, and bath crystals use superior science & technology to deliver a beauty & aesthetics treatment that goes beyond superficial layers of muscle to target the deepest sources of pain and discomfort.

The eToims® Technique is an ideal anti-aging method that stimulates the trigger points so that the evoked twitches exercise tight, swollen. stiff and shortened muscles and tendons of the neck and trunk. The twitch exercises have the potential to improve circulation and deep muscle stretch/relaxations with potential to assist in the restoration of muscle-nerve and skin health and improve and maintain posture and function thus improving the treated individual’s quality of life.