eToims® Products

This is the link on the use of magnesium sulfate products for physical rejuvenation of nerve- muscle- joint pain and discomfort.

This link takes you to a prospective follow-up study of a patient who has had stomach cancer twice and had to be operated twice. He takes nightly treatments by soaking in bath crystals for one hour. After the bath he uses magnesium sulfate spray, and when the spray dries, he applies Magnesium sulfate body cream as a sealant. He has been healthy and working full time for the past 15 years. He would not be as functional and fulfilled in his quality of life without use the magnesium products.

The spray, gel and bath crystals are for use in acute and persistent muscle spasms, pain or discomfort without pain. Use the spray for treating hard to reach back muscles and to quickly treat large areas of trunk and limbs muscles. The gel is convenient for treating local and focal areas and for treating small joints. Soak and totally immerse in bath with eToims bath crystals to restore, relax and rejuvenate.