Low back pain | abdominal wall

Patients with chronic lower back pain caused by lower back muscles in spasm results in patients having difficulty in straightening the spine. In such a situation, the abdominal wall muscles have less opposition and become tight and shortened aggravating the forward...

Low back pain | hip flexion

Patients with lower back pain often have tightness of the hip flexor muscles. This is aggravated by the presence of a forward bent posture from lower back pain and presence of weak and shortened paraspinal muscles. This places the abdominal wall and the hip flexor...

Low back pain | Hip flexion | Sartorius

Patients with lower back pain often have hip flexor tightness. The hip flexor that is very easy to locate is the sartorius due to its strap-like form stretching from the outer aspect of the hip to the medial aspect of the knee joint. This muscle allows us to sit in...

Low back pain | hip pain | adduction

Patients with lower back pain from irritation of the L5 and S1 nerve roots often have weakness from pain and spasm in the hip abductor muscles and the hip extensor muscles. This allows for imbalanced contraction of the hip adductor muscles since the opposition muscles...

Lower back pain | thigh abduction

Patients with lower back pain often secondary to irritation of the L5 and S1 nerve roots will have difficulty not only due to the pain but due to weakness of the hip abductor muscles. The most powerful hip abductor is the gluteus medius. It is supplied by the superior...